In OpenStack Liberty, the OpenStack Foundation changed they way the release model is handled. Previously, a project would be incubated and need to meet a number of milestones before it could be integrated into OpenStack and become an “official” project. You’ll hear this referred to as the “integrated release model”. All that has changed with …
If you’ve ever looked for OpenStack training, you’ve probably been surprised by the sheer number of options available to you. You may have also noticed many of these training courses also offer a certification test. While an OpenStack certification could certainly be valuable, especially with OpenStack skills in such high demand, with all the different …
OpenStack is about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for the cloud! OpenStack has rapidly evolved since its inception in 2010. In the last 5 years we’ve seen lots of changes from features and functionality to nomenclature and governance. There was much discussion earlier this year at the Liberty design summit in Vancouver about …
Today I had the pleasure of speaking at my local VMUG. While my presentation didn’t have a ton of VMware content, I focused on OpenStack in the enterprise. The enterprise is sort of a nebulous term, so I broke it down into two factions, “Super Enterprises” and “Everyday Enterprises”. My goal was to shed a …
Cisco intends to buy Piston. IBM buys Blue Box Cloud. This was just one day in the life of OpenStack. Large companies have been on an OpenStack feeding frenzy, with Cisco buying Metacloud and EMC buying Cloudscaling before Piston and BlueBoxCloud were even on the menu. While some may argue whether on not OpenStack is …
Keystone is one of the key components of any OpenStack deployment. In short, Keystone takes a look at everyone logging into the OpenStack cloud, and answers two very important questions: “Who are you?” and “What can you do?”. It is critical for Keystone to be deployed in a highly available manner in each OpenStack deployment, as …