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Achievement Unlocked! vExpert 2014!

I’m so proud to announce that I am a 2014 vExpert!  vExpert is one of those things I’ve kind of lusted over for a while now…but that was about it.  This year I decided it was time to go for it, and here I am!

I really enjoyed scrolling through the list and checking out all of the people I’ve gotten to know in the community.

Just to highlight a few:

The Virtual Design Master Crew!
Angelo Luciani (@angeloluciani)
Eric Wright (@discoposse)
Jonathan Frappier (@jfrappier)

The NetApp Crew!
Nick Howell (@that1guynick)
Pete Flecha (@vpedroarrow)
David Klem (@davidklem)
Arun Pandey (@arunpandey)
Eric Railine (@erailine)

Congratulations to ALL of the 2014 vExperts!  You can find the announcement here.

Rocco Sicilia (aka: BrC)

Friday 23rd of May 2014

Congrats! I'm vExpert like you and I thinks is a great achievement.